Yurt Dışı Bildiriler

1. “Rethinking of Heidegger’s Interpretation of Technology and Science” International Scientific Congress of YSTM’ 95. Moskova, 27 Ocak-2 Şubat 1995.

2. “Heidegger’s Reading of Descartes’ Dualism: The Relation of Subject and Object” 20th World Congress of Philosophy. Boston, A.B.D., 10-16 Ağustos 1998.

3. “Secular and libeal Legacy in Turkey” National Seminar on the Continuity and Change in Islam Aligarh Muslim University, India. 14-16 December, 1998.

4. “Heidegger’s Critique of Descartes’ Metephysics”, Proceedings of the Metephysics for the Third Millennium Conference, september 5-8, 2000, Roma, İtalya. (Ekonomik nedenlerle gidilememiştir ama bildiri basılmak üzere sunulmuştur.)

5. “Doğa Felsefesi ve Derin Ekoloji”, International Symposium on Kazdağları (Mount Ida and Edremit) – Uluslar arası Kazdağları ve Edremit Sempozyumu, Meta Basım, İzmir – Turkey, 2011. ISBN. 978-605-87840-0-0, Ss: 260-270. Tam metin basımı)

6. “Islam and Secular-Liberal Legacy in Turkey” The First International Political Problems and Democracy Congress, M’Sila University, Algeria, 13-15 Aralık 2011.

7. Living in Deep Ecology and the Ethic of Respect for Nature”, A. Kadir Çüçen and Tuncay Bayer, International Conference: Ecology Interdisciplinary Science and Proctice, Sofia, 25-26 October 2012

8. Hegel’s Critique of Kant’s Epistemology”, 23. World Congress of Philosophy, 4-10 August 2013, Athens, Greece. (abstract published).

9. Heideggerian Interpretation of Primordial Thinking İn Heraclitus’ Philosophy”, Heraclitus of Ephesus and his Age,. 7-12 October 2013. Selçuk-Turkey (abstract published).

10. “Heidegger’s Reading of Descartes’ Dualism: The Relation of Subject and Object”, Conference On Philosophy of Culture and Human Rights, 14-15 September 2015, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland.

11. “A Philosophical Conparision Between Deep Ecology and Surface Ecology”, X Convención Internacional sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, Havana – Küba, 6-10 July, 2015.

  1. “Is Metaphysics a Feasible Philosophical Option?” “Communities in Transition: Culture, Critical Enquiry and Tradition”, 10th Annual Conference of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry, May 16-19, 2016, Wrocław, Poland.
  2. “Interpretation of Being of Dasein as the Language of Heidegger’xxs Hermeneutics”, Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences,24-27 Haziran 2018, Riga, Letonya
  3. “Farabi ve Ibn Sina’nın Varlık Anlayıslarının Karsılastırılması”, 3. International Congress on Social Sciences, 24-26 Ekim 2018, Buhara, Özbekistan.
  4. 1Hermeneuitiğin Heidegger Ontolojisindeki Yeri”, Uluslararası İstanbul Felsefe Kongresi, 3-4 Mayıs 2018, İstabul, Türkiye.
  5. “The problems of philosophy of technology in terms of Heideggerian aspect” “Geopolitics in the Black Sea Region – new trends and challenges” 30-31 Ekim 2018, Sofya, Bulgaristan.